Is Unity owned by Epic?


Unity is one of the most popular game engines in use today. It’s used for creating everything from 2D games to VR experiences and it’s easy to use, which makes it a popular choice for developers of all skill levels. However, there has been some confusion about who owns Unity. Some people believe that Epic Games, the creators of Fortnite and other popular games, owns Unity. In this article, we’ll explore whether this is true or not.

Who Owns Unity?

Unity was created by Danish programmer Johan Guttenberg in 2008. In 2011, Epic Games bought a majority stake in Unity Technologies and has since become closely associated with the company. However, despite this, Unity remains an independent company and is not owned by Epic Games.

Why Epic Games Bought Unity

Epic Games bought Unity for several reasons. First, they wanted to expand their reach into the game development industry. With Unity’s popularity and ease of use, it was a natural choice to add to their portfolio. Second, they saw that Unity had great potential for building games on new platforms, such as VR and AR. By owning Unity, they could help drive innovation in this area. Finally, Epic Games wanted to tap into the vast community of Unity developers, who are known for creating high-quality games.

Why Unity Remains Independent

Despite Epic Games’ investment, Unity remains an independent company. The reason for this is that Epic Games and Unity have different goals and priorities. While Epic Games is focused on building their own games and expanding their business, Unity is focused on providing a powerful game development platform for creators of all skill levels. By remaining independent, Unity can continue to innovate and provide the best possible tools for game developers.

The Benefits of Unity’s Independence

Unity’s independence has several benefits for both the company and its users. First, it allows Unity to focus on providing the best possible development platform, rather than being tied up in other business interests. Second, it ensures that Unity remains a neutral platform, which is important for developers who want to create games without any political or ideological bias. Finally, it allows Unity to continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible in game development.


In conclusion, despite Epic Games’ investment, Unity remains an independent company that is owned by Unity Technologies. While Epic Games has benefited from this partnership, it’s important for developers to understand that Unity’s primary focus is on providing the best possible development platform. By remaining independent, Unity can continue to innovate and provide the tools that game developers need to create amazing games.