Will Unity Software Stock Price Recover Soon?

Unity Technologies is a leading developer of cross-platform game engines and tools, and their stock price has been struggling in recent years. As of 2021, the company’s share price was around $130, which is down from its high of $250 in 2018. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Unity’s stock price struggles and examine whether there are any signs that it may recover soon.

Unity’s Stock Price Struggles: A Look at the Numbers

According to Yahoo Finance, Unity’s revenue has been steadily increasing over the past few years. In 2018, the company reported revenue of $375 million, which increased to $694 million in 2019 and $794 million in 2020. However, despite this growth, Unity’s stock price has continued to decline.

One possible reason for this is that investors have become more cautious about investing in technology companies due to the economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Another possibility is that the company’s growth rate has slowed down, causing investors to question its long-term potential.

The Role of Competition

The Role of Competition
Unity faces competition from other game engines and tools such as Unreal Engine, CryEngine, and Source 2. These competitors have been gaining market share, particularly in the high-end gaming industry, where Unity has traditionally been strong. In fact, a report by Statista found that Unreal Engine had a 54% market share in the game engine market in 2020, while Unity had only 36%.

Unity’s Response to Competition

To address the competition, Unity has been focusing on expanding its offerings beyond gaming. For example, the company has launched a new product called Unity Real-Time Development Platform, which allows developers to create interactive experiences for virtual and augmented reality devices. The company has also been investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies to enhance its products.

Will Unity Recover Soon?

It is difficult to predict with certainty whether Unity’s stock price will recover soon. However, there are some signs that suggest it may do so. For example, a report by Zacks Equity Research found that Unity’s revenue growth rate is expected to be 45% in 2021, which could help to boost its share price.

Additionally, the company’s expansion beyond gaming into other industries such as e-commerce and education could provide new revenue streams and help to diversify its business. Finally, Unity has a strong and experienced management team that has successfully navigated the challenges of the past few years.

Summary: The Future of Unity’s Stock Price

In conclusion, Unity’s stock price struggles are due to a combination of factors such as economic uncertainty and increased competition. However, there are also signs that suggest the company may recover soon, including its revenue growth rate and expansion into other industries. Ultimately, the future of Unity’s stock price will depend on how well the company can navigate these challenges and continue to innovate in the rapidly changing world of technology.


1. What has caused Unity’s stock price to decline?

  • Economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and increased competition from other game engines and tools such as Unreal Engine.

    2. Has Unity’s revenue been increasing or declining?

  • Unity’s revenue has been steadily increasing over the past few years, with revenue of $794 million in 2020.

    3. What is Unity doing to address competition?

  • Unity is expanding its offerings beyond gaming and investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies.